Join CSGSS All Year Long

Whether it be a reading or balint group, a conference, or a member meeting; join us for an event this year! We'd love to have you! For more information, please reach out to us at

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FALL 2024, WINTER 2025

Group Relations Conferences

October 19-21, 2024: WEEKEND CONFERENCE
Civil War in Society and Inside Us: Leadership, Authority & Power amid Polarization

(Connors Center, Dover, MA)

Summer 2024

National AKRI Conference, Reading Group

June 9-14: AKRI Residential Conference (Philadelphia, PA)

July 25: The Future of Group Relations and the Significance of Identity (7-8:30 pm EST) 

Reading: Applying Learning from Experience: The Intersection of Psychoanalysis and Organization Role Consulting by Kathleen Pogue White

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Spring 2024

Reading Groups, Member Meetings

April 27rd: Member Meeting

Join us for our annual members meeting. Members can register here.

May 30: The Future of Group Relations and the Significance of Identity (7-8:30 pm EST) 

Reading: Class, Race, and Gender: Person-in-Role Implications in Taking Up the Directorship by Mary McRae