Reading List

Readings About GRCs

Banet & Hayden (1977) - The Tavistock Method (Learn more about the Tavistock theory and method)

Howard (1995) - Conference Report (A detailed explanation of what happens at a GRC)

Bart - Open Letter (Help thinking through whether a GRC)

Shapiro & Carr (2012) - Intro to Tavistock - Style GRC Learning (Learn how the study of group relations brings the insights of psychoanalysis into the practicalities of everyday living)


Readings By CSGSS Members

Kennedy (2003) - Changing Nature of Female Power (Gender dynamics in the A.K Rice Institute)

Shapiro (1982) - On Curiosity (Thinking about family systems)

Shapiro (2003) - Maturation of American Identity (Study of national identities)

Krants & Maltz (1997) A Framework for Consulting to Organizational Role (Discusses the concept of organizational role and its complexities)

Krantz & Gilmore - Splitting of Leadership and Management (Splits in leadership and management as a social defense against change)

Krantz (1989) - The Managerial Couple (A look at systemic dynamics in Superior-Subordinate Relationships( i.e the managerial couple)

Readings about Group Relations

Bion (1961) Experiences in Groups and other papers

Lyth (1960) - Social systems as a defense against social anxiety

Petriglieri & Stein (2012) - The Unwanted Self: Projective Identification in LEaders' Identity Work

Rioch - All We Like Sheep - Followers and Leaders

Wallach (2004) Transforming Conflict - A Group Relations Perspective

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